Kingsclere's Council Tax 2022-2023
Kingsclere Parish Council
Kingsclere Parish Council's 2022-2023 precept is the result of a comprehensive review following a decade of austerity, when all rate support grants from central government were withdrawn, about 25% of income. Over this period, the Parish Council has sought to protect residents by keeping precept increases to a minimum and making use of reserves. Against this background, the Council has managed to increase the size of the Holding Field car park by 40%, plant a Community Orchard, make a Neighbourhood Plan, take significant steps to discourage speeding by installing white gates and dragon’s teeth, win awards at the Hampshire Village of the Year, deal with an illegal encampment on the Holding Field, and co-ordinate a fortnight of commemorations to mark the centenary of the end of the First World War, as well as running all its usual services providing allotments, the Cemetery, litter clearing, and managing our open spaces.
This financial situation is not, however, sustainable long-term, so this year a precept increase of 26p per week for the average band D property has been set to allow the Council to meet its commitments and function efficiently into the future. This still leaves Kingsclere with a lower precept than most other parishes.
Kingsclere Parish Council will now be better placed to meet future challenges with confidence. For example, increases in mowing and maintenance contracts (the Council manages 14 acres of land across the village), costs in relation to fly-tipping, making KPC’s website compliant with accessibility legislation, updating the office facilities to meet current needs and regulations, increased electricity charges, and an increased emphasis on safety checks. The Parish Council can then look at how it can make inroads into the work needed in the Cemetery, and the Recreation Ground play area. In time, the Council hope to be successful in seeking repair grants for the War Memorial, an essential but very expensive project.
The Council has also reviewed its charges and fees for the Cemetery and Allotments, so that they reflect more accurately their true cost, thus diverting the cost from the council taxpayer to the user.
Future budget years will be faced with other pressures, no doubt, but this budget is sustainable and compliant to Kingsclere Parish Council’s audit guidelines.
Residents are invited to attend Ordinary Meetings of the Council which take place on the last Monday of the month at the Village Club, George Street, where there is an opportunity to see the Council in action and raise issues.
Kingsclere Parish Council
Contact Information
Clerk to the Council
- 01635 298634
Find Kingsclere Parish Council
Kingsclere Parish Office, 37 George Street, Kingsclere, Newbury, Hampshire, RG20 5NH
Additional Information
Phone and email monitored regularly Office Phone voicemail available. To make an appointment to visit the office in person, please contact the Clerk to the Council.