Update for residents on proposed housing developments. June 2022 - Part 2
Kingsclere Parish Council
This is Part 2 of an article updating residents on current planning proposals. Read the Update for residents on proposed housing developments. June 2022 - Part 1 here.
Fawconer Road Care Home
Gillings Planning submitted a planning application to B&DBC to build a care home between Fawconer Road and the A339. This site was put forward in the Neighbourhood Plan for at least 12 houses. In January 2021, an outline planning application for 13 homes was approved by B&DBC. The care home proposed would be a high-end specialist facility providing end-of-life care for dementia residents. The catchment area extends beyond the parish and would cater primarily to non-local people who would be able to pay the very high fees. Thus, it will not be applicable to most Kingsclere residents looking to enjoy their retirement locally. KPC acknowledges the wider need for these facilities, but our priority is for local residents at a time when there aren’t enough properties for first-time buyers and downsizers. KPC’s full response to the Planning Application is listed below.
KPC is waiting for this application to come on the agenda of the B&DBC Development Control Committee for a decision. KPC will speak in opposition at this meeting.
Unfortunately, while B&DBC fails to meet its ‘5-year housing land supply’, Kingsclere will continue to be a target for opportunistic developers.
See the developers' detailed documents below for more information on each of these proposals.
In addition, residents can email their views to their Borough Councillors:
Ken Rhatigan: [email protected]
Stuart Frost: [email protected]
Kerry Morrow: [email protected]
Vistry proposal document for Porch Farm
Vistry map of the proposed development for Porch Farm
Vistry virtual presentation and consultation for Porch Farm
Thakeham proposal document for Yew Tree Farm
Contact Information
Clerk to the Council
- 01635 298634
Find Kingsclere Parish Council
Kingsclere Parish Office, 37 George Street, Kingsclere, Newbury, Hampshire, RG20 5NH
Additional Information
Phone and email monitored regularly Office Phone voicemail available. To make an appointment to visit the office in person, please contact the Clerk to the Council.