Volunteer Transport Service Comes to Kingsclere
Kingsclere Parish Council
A new transport service is coming to Kingsclere and is looking for volunteer drivers. The service will provide return journeys from home to hospital and other appointments. To find out more about it and sign up as a driver, come to the Village Club on Saturday 25th February from 12-noon to 2pm.
Basingstoke's NeighbourCare is extending their area to cover Kingsclere and surrounding villages. The group are now calling for drivers who can spare a few hours a week during the daytime, any day Monday to Friday, and who have a car that is comprehensively insured and suitable for carrying an elderly person. In return, they will reimburse costs from home.
The Parish Council started talks with NeighbourCare after the Cost-of-Living Forum meeting in the autumn, where transport was identified as a particular concern for many people. Parish Councillor David Conquest and Borough Councillor Kerry Morrow worked with Peter Robson from NeighbourCare to put together a plan that would meet the needs of the local villages.
NeighbourCare provides a service for mainly elderly people, particularly for those who find it difficult to use public transport or lack the confidence to go out on their own. A driver will pick them up from home, take them to their appointment and bring them home again, using the volunteer’s own car. They will also take clients shopping and to social events such as lunch clubs, helping them remain part of their community.
Cllr David Conquest said "Kingsclere is a brilliant place to live but if you don't have transport then getting to appointments can be tricky. We wanted to make it easy for people to get into Basingstoke, Newbury and even further, especially for those who find the buses difficult. I'm grateful to Basingstoke NeighbourCare for agreeing to coordinate the scheme and extend their amazing service to us. I hope that many people will consider volunteering a little of their time to help their neighbours."
Call Basingstoke NeighbourCare on 01256 423855 or visit the website at www.neighbourcare.com/volunteering
Contact Information
Clerk to the Council
- 01635 298634
Find Kingsclere Parish Council
Kingsclere Parish Office, 37 George Street, Kingsclere, Newbury, Hampshire, RG20 5NH
Additional Information
Phone and email monitored regularly Office Phone voicemail available. To make an appointment to visit the office in person, please contact the Clerk to the Council.